I sympathize with you.

To those who promised themselves they'd only spend ten minutes on Farmville/Bejeweled, and, to their disgust, found that 2 hours had disappeared:
I feel your pain.

For I was once an fb addict. I could tell you more about yourself than your own mother. Was it creepy? Heck yeah. Was I ashamed? Immensely.
I decided that something must be done.
So, much to the joy of my grandparents who believe that Facebook is destroying today's youth.........I deleted my account.

But you know what sucks? You can't REALLY delete it. It's always there, just lurking below the surface, silently beckoning "Come back to me! No one will know! You can just stay hidden offline! How are you going to know when *Becky and *Joe break up?! You're losing all 683 of your friends. You jerk."
I'll admit, there have been some close calls. Simply type in your email address and password, and it's like you never left. I've almost fallen to the temptation of secret stalking again and again, but I prevailed! It can be done! And you know what I realized?
All your "friends" who post on your Wall because they "remembered" your birthday? They never actually notice when you're gone, because face it, you're 1 in 683.
But that's ok. Because your real friends will still tell you happy birthday.
There are some downsides to being Facebook-free though. Such as, it is virtually impossible to keep in touch with Australian foreign exchange student without social networking. I mean, there's email, but...no one actually does that anymore. So I had to come up with an alternative, because I don't exactly want to be forgotten by my Australian. Or my other pals of course.
So I decided to start a blog.
And it's really not much better than having a Facebook...but it still impresses my grandparents. So I guess that's ok.
Have a nice day:)
*names have been changed to protect identity
*names have been changed to protect identity
PS- Deleting a Facebook also eliminates the need to untag embarrassing photos. Just thought you should know.
Way to write- my creative one!