Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Life Ain't So Bad.

Is it so surprising that depression in women is on the rise?

  Not really, considering all the airbrushed perfection we've got to compete with.

  Eyes that are perfectly "smokied" glare,

 noses without a blackhead or boogie flare,

 and flawless smiles are bared

from magazine racks in your local Walmart, all silently judging your outfit of jeans and a tiedye t-shirt.
We've been forced to raise our standards of beauty, and unfortunately, most of us don't meet the bar.

As I was pondering why my skin is not as perfect as Carrie Underwood's,

 and why my hair refuses to curl like Taylor Swift's,

 (why are country music singers always the prettiest?)
I decided that it was time for a change in perspective.  After a few adjustments to my bathroom mirrors...I became extremely grateful for my original reflection :)

Works every time.


  1. I love you. Thanks for the good laugh :)

  2. bahahaha i was wondering when these pictures would show up online ;) although i'm slightly offended that the last one no longer belongs to just me to laugh at on my bad makes it so much less special to know it's now..shared(shudders)
