You and I have become very close these past few months. It breaks my heart to see you go like this, but some things just have to happen, whether we like it or not. Tragic, I know. So with the little time we have left together, I'd like to thank you for all you've taught me over the past 78 glorious days.
First off, thank you for reminding me how much I love fireworks
and rodeos

and my massive family.
Thanks for showing me that Disneyland, although crowded and infested with long lines, is totally, totally worth it.
Thank you for giving me my first job
And showing me why people hate the government.
Thanks for letting my pals come to the beach, that was pretty great.
You taught me that California can be DISGUSTING...
(yes, that is gum)
But the sunsets never get old.
And Shark Week is still creepy, no matter how many reruns.

Thank you for showing me that all things are possible, if I just believe.
(25 grapes. Hawt.)
And finally, for protecting me from those alcohol-swigging, glass bottle-toting, public poopers on the beach.
So Summer, it's been a party. Please come back soon, before I get white and pasty again.Missing you already-
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